Last week I was in one of the richest cities in the world – Zürich, and I experienced an entirely different lifestyle I am used to and what my box would expect in a town like Zürich.
I was hosted by a Swiss couple which are founders of the „Bio für Jede“ (BFJ) movement in Switzerland. Originated in Zürich and spreading out into the other cities. „Bio für Jede“ means “Organic for everybody”.
What they are doing is to get people aware of a lot of food waste – organic food waste – and to use it for events, where they use these vegetables and fruits, soy products, etc. for delicious meals or offer it for donation.
They cooperate with farmers, which are not able to sell the „not-nicely-grown“ vegetables to the regular market. Instead of letting them on the fields or throwing them away, they give them for a cheaper price to this organization. What a great thing. The highest value of Bio für Jede is NO Food waste!
Additionally, they are „hunting“ in the night for food – dumpster diving, which was just thrown away at the supermarkets. Bags of tomatoes where just one was bad, all others are fresh and excellent. Cheese!! They throw the cheese away, which gets better instead of worth by getting older! They brought home different vegetables, fruits, cakes, pastry, wine, etc. I was amazed by the abundance and at the same time shocked by the „throwing-away-mentality“ of the wealthy society. When I would count it all together, it was approximately 500 CHF worth. It was a lot of good stuff! We had a great brunch the next day :-)!
Inspired by this experience I came across the blog of an American, Rob Greenfield. He is supporting his life and others through dumpster diving. His blog is fascinating.
He is from the US and I understand some doubts as we are in Europe – that is right, and as I researched we have less waste than America, but I have to name that 40-50% of the food is thrown away in the US. In Europe less…but what is less of 40-50%? When I think about it, my body still contracts and I feel sad about all the waste, angry because I didn`t care for so long and I feel fear because I have the thought that society with all its combined egos will never change. Ok, that sounds very pessimistic, but for now it feels this way.
When I see that organizations like Bio für Jede, Zürich or Rob Greenfield, US are sharing their experiences, knowledge I feel super happy and to realize that there are already organizations and networks in place but not so known to the public gives me hope for an upcoming change.
It is up to us to open our eyes and see the food waste and also the food waste compared to the hunger in the world and find ways to bridge this.
What we can do is to give it attention, feel the pain it causes and than focus on to the solution.
Love and bon appetit